The ADA Dental Experience and Research Exchange (DERE)TM is an outcomes assessment, research and reporting program intended to promote excellence in dental care by helping dental care providers create a culture of self-examination and improvement.
DERE allows dental practices to submit patient data (a Limited Data Set as defined by HIPAA) directly from the practice’s electronic health record systems and practice management systems to the ADA Clinical Data Warehouse (ADA CDW), a protected cloud-based repository.
ADA researchers and external researchers approved by the ADA will use the data in the ADA CDW to conduct research, which may be used for a variety of purposes, such as supporting the development of quality measures, evidence-based guidelines, and clinical decision support tools.
Steps for Access: The ADA DERE Research Portal and corresponding Data Dictionary is currently in the piloting phase and not yet live to the public via Please email for overall view and access.
Cost to Access: None during pilot phase
Data Types: Clinical dental chart data
To view the charts listed below in more detail, please download summary level information via the download link below